The Pitch by Linda J Lord
Paperback: 140 pages
Publisher: iUniverse (October 19, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1440174539
ISBN-13: 978-1440174537
Rating 4.5/5
When I was first approached to review The Pitch and discovered it dealt with business lessons I was a bit leery because my first thoughts were oh no this is going to be BORING! Then it also had soccer in it which I am also not a very sporty person so I just knew I was gonna hate it but I decided on a whim to take a chance on it figuring even I could make it thru a short 140 pages.
I was so wrong because from the first page I could not put it down and read it in one sitting! Linda has done a remarkable job of giving some sound business advice and weaving it into a fun work of fiction!
The story is about a tired soccer mom whose event planning business is going down the drain and she is having a hard time making ends meet. She realizes she doesn't even like the business she is in but needs to get it productive in order to sell it for a nice profit so she begins picking up tips from her sons soccer coach and applying them to her business.
Interview Q & A
The title of your book is The Pitch was does the title mean?
The pitch is where the game of soccer is played; the pitch is the field. What Liz learns
from there, she is able to apply on her playing field − her business. Also, in business,
the ‘pitch’ is what gets people to buy, so it is a play on words in a couple of ways.
The Pitch draws on my experience as a soccer mom. Strategies used to be successful
in soccer and very similar to strategies used to be successful in business. Such
strategies include: getting in touch with who and what matters to you most, because
until you do that, you are just going through the motions, and maybe building the wrong
empire; having a plan that provides a structure to follow during strong economies and
soft ones; taking to time to evaluate the choices you make and whether or not they are
based on sound business information or just expediency.
At what age did you discover writing and when were you first published? Tell us
your call story?
I have always been writing something. Most of the time I write for stage. I wrote a selfhelp
book titled, 31 Days Toward Maximum Living, back in 2001, but I never really
promoted it.
Tell us about where “The Pitch” is available.
In The Pitch, a business fable written by author and performer Linda J. Lord, we follow
the powerful story of Liz, a struggling single mother whose business is in steady decline.
To turn her business around, Liz relates the concepts learned at her son’s soccer
practices, but how will she balance her effort to save her business with trying to save
her relationship with her son?
Linda captures our imagination with the fictional story of Liz and Justin and then adds
the power of direction and possibility by coupling fiction with sound business coaching.
She paints a picture of possibility for other struggling business owners. Linda creates a
place for business owners to consider their strategies and reflect on ways to improve
their companies. There is no better time for this book than now, when so many business
owners are struggling find meaning and direction. This fable fuses a compelling story
with realistic struggles and a series of instructions for improvement. The Pitch is
available on Linda’s website, Amazon and on the iuniverse website.
So let’s help some struggling women business owners get started here. What is
the first thing you need to do to grow your business?
Make sure that you want to own a business and that it’s not simply a career option;
then ensure that you will be working with your strengths (talents, and gifts) most of the
time. You can create the business to serve you and the needs of your life; you don’t
serve the business. Being strategic from the beginning enables you to make a living and
still have the time and energy to have a life.
Describe your writing in three words.
Practical, entertaining and applicable.
Why did you write this book?
I wrote the Pitch because stories help us to understand our experiences and to imagine
how we might handle the presented situation. Liz’s story is not uncommon. Many
business owners start businesses without a plan and without much preparation; then hit
a wall in terms of growth or even struggle to survive. I wanted to present the material in
a non-threatening way so business owners would be receptive to it. I had people
comment that they had started to implement the same things Liz did as they were
reading the book. That may have never happened if I had simply written a ‘how to’ book
because there wouldn’t have been the connection between Liz and the reader.
Who is your intended audience?
My first audience is the female business owner who is juggling work life and home life.
My second audience is the male business owner who is juggling work life and home life.
Both genders can relate to the challenges of making a living and having a life.
How does this book benefit the reader?
The book provides a succinct blueprint for struggling business owners that saves them
research time, makes reliable recommendations on what to do, and serves to
encourage and motivate.
Review Copy Provided by Publisher/Author