Monday, December 21, 2009

Review: The Mud Hogs by Dalton James

The Mud Hogs by Dalton James
Reading level: Ages 9-12
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press
ISBN-10: 1432745603
ISBN-13: 978-1432745608
Rating: 5/5
Review Copy Provided by Author

"Three little pigs try everything in their power to make or find mud. Along the way they learn a valuable life lesson. "

**OKay I review quite a few childrens books and I thought I should briefly mention that I do rate them a bit different than others for obvious reasons.

The most common things I rate them by are:

1) Did they hold the kids interest?
2) Were they able to retell the story for me?
3) Did the story make sense and get its message across?

and a few others that just depend solely on the particular book I am reviewing.

The Mudhogs passed all three of the above with flying colors! It was a cute and simple story that did get its point across which basically was Home is a wonderful place to be!

I was really impressed that not only was this book written by an 8-year old but that it's not even his 1st published work! This is his 3rd published book! I can't wait to see what stories he has yet to tell in his future! Great job Dalton!
