If you did not participate in 2009, here are the rules for the challenge:
The point of the challenge is to read 9 books with 9 different colors in the title. Six colors are required, while the last 3 can be your choice. Books may be overlapped with other challenges (I always love that rule so I always have that rule for my challenges. :) At least 6 of the books should be new to you (doesn't matter which 6).
The Six Required Colors are:
1. Blue
The 3 remaining colors can be anything from purple, orange, and green to magenta, crimson, and cream. It doesn't matter as long as their is a color in the title.

Thanks, I'm joining too!!
This looks like a fun challenge!
This one looks fun, so I'm joining it. Can't believe I'm joining another one!
She has changed the rules about the colors. Now you can choose all the colors!
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