Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Colorful Reading Challenge

Hosted by Lost In Books

The Colorful Reading Challenge

At the request of some of the participants of this year's Colorful Reading Challenge, I am hosting it again for 2010.

If you did not participate in 2009, here are the rules for the challenge:

The point of the challenge is to read 9 books with 9 different colors in the title. Six colors are required, while the last 3 can be your choice. Books may be overlapped with other challenges (I always love that rule so I always have that rule for my challenges. :) At least 6 of the books should be new to you (doesn't matter which 6).

The Six Required Colors are:

1. Blue
3. Red
4. Gold/Yellow
5. White
6. Silver

The 3 remaining colors can be anything from purple, orange, and green to magenta, crimson, and cream. It doesn't matter as long as their is a color in the title.

There is no need to make a list of books and if you do you may change it at any time. The challenge runs from January 1- December 31, 2010. If you would like to participate, please sign up using the Mr. Linky
